Slash Costs of Paper-Based Systems
Fully integrated and digital workflow, specifications, order entry, inventory, certification generation and more provide end-end traceability and costs a fraction to operate vs a paper-based system.
Fully Integrate the Steelhead Scanner Line
Track time in every tank to the second with an industrial scanner allowing for operation with gloves! Provide instruction to operators enabling faster ramp up times and better quality!
Build Customer Trust with Quality Documentation
Every paper based system is prone to “paper whipping” or falsifying data. Customers know this and look the other way. Deliver the industries most robust traceability and watch your reputation grow!
Tired of paper travelers driving overhead and mistakes?
Cut cost, track profit, track parts in real-time, and improve quality with granular insights on production.
Do your operators “fudge it” on paper travelers?
We have seen it all. Fill out the whole traveler after parts are processed. Entering the specified value, not the measured value. Splitting parts and processing separately, but keeping 1 paper traveler. We can do much better!
Tired of not knowing if parts are profitable?
With fully digitized production comes automated tracking of profit on every part, every time! Build your business around your profitable customers and jobs!
Running your plant with 5+ systems that do not talk?
Separate software/systems for quoting, workflow, quality, scheduling, reporting, maintenance/chemistry, operator instruction, inventory, invoicing? Bring it all home in ONE industry-leading system, reducing cost and errors, while making better decisions, faster.